
Showing posts from August, 2014

Planning Calendars

UPDATE on Calendars: I noticed when I tried to download the calendars for someone else that some of the dates turned into a lot of numbers.  Not sure what is happening so I have added all the calendars in PDF which you can find below. Well, I have been in my new school all week setting up my classroom (pictures to come) but I thought I would share my blank planning calendar for teachers that are in the HRSB that I make every year to help with my planning.   I have a few different planning calendars you can choose from: Planning Calendar with  Bus Cluster 1 PD Planning Calendar with  Bus Cluster 2 PD Planning Calendar with  Bus Cluster 3 PD Planning Calendar with 2nd year Mount Education Student Teacher dates Calendars in PDF Planning Calendar with Bus Cluster 1 PD Planning Calendar with Bus Cluster 2 PD Planning Calendar with Bus Cluster 3 PD Planning Calendar with 2nd year Mount Education Student Teacher Dates I look forward to posting ...

NS Math Lesson Assessment Sheets

Most elementary teachers (at least Primary or Kindergarten to Grade 2) group their students in tables.  I realized that I was moving table from table with my list of students and was always wasting a little more time trying to find the student on my math lesson assessment sheet.  So last year I decided to try something new and put my math lesson assessment sheets with groups of tables just like a seating chart.  I LOVED it!!!  It was so much easier to find the student I was observing because they were grouped in the table and I could find that table very easily on my sheet.  I tried to group the sheets in the units that were suggested for the yearly plan and I did end up binding them but I realized that as I received new students and my seating arrangement changed I just needed single sheets that I could attach to the lesson plan and then put that sheet in an assessment binder.  Here are a few screen shots of what the sheet could look like if you had 15 st...

Blast Off Back to School Sale!!

I'm having a sale!!!!!  Don't forget to click on the picture below and get all you need to help you have a great school year!! Enjoy! Kemble :-)