Planning Calendars

UPDATE on Calendars:
I noticed when I tried to download the calendars for someone else that some of the dates turned into a lot of numbers.  Not sure what is happening so I have added all the calendars in PDF which you can find below.

Well, I have been in my new school all week setting up my classroom (pictures to come) but I thought I would share my blank planning calendar for teachers that are in the HRSB that I make every year to help with my planning.  

I have a few different planning calendars you can choose from:

Planning Calendar with Bus Cluster 1 PD

Planning Calendar with Bus Cluster 2 PD

Planning Calendar with Bus Cluster 3 PD

Planning Calendar with 2nd year Mount Education Student Teacher dates

Calendars in PDF

Planning Calendar with Bus Cluster 1 PD

Planning Calendar with Bus Cluster 2 PD

Planning Calendar with Bus Cluster 3 PD

Planning Calendar with 2nd year Mount Education Student Teacher Dates

I look forward to posting my pictures of my new classroom.  But until then, enjoy the planning calendars.  I hope they help.


Kemble :-)


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