
Showing posts with the label Power Point

Pre-Primer Sight Word Scrambled PowerPoint & Google Slides

I realize I am slow on the ball when it comes to creating activities that incorporate technology such as powerpoints or google slides in my classroom.  However, when I create activities I take my time and really think how a specific activity would be useful in my classroom.   My students love trying to figure out scrambled sight words so that's what I have chosen to create for my centres this upcoming year but committing to trying to use less paper in my classroom.  I can do this by creating PowerPoints and/or Google slides with the scrambled words for the students to look at and just have recording sheets.   So I have created a new Pre-Primer Sight Word Scrambled PowerPoint & Google slides Activity.   You can find this activity in my TPT store at the following link: Pre-Primer Sight Word Scrambled PowerPoint & Google Slides Activity I will be making the same activities for Primer, Gr. 1 and Gr....

Mental Math and Subitizing

One of the math outcomes I need to cover for my Primary students is: N02 Students will be expected to recognize, at a glance, and name the quantity represented by familiar arrangements of 1 to 5 objects or dots. Performance Indicators N02.01 Look briefly at a given familiar arrangement of 1 to 5 objects or dots and identify the number represented without counting. N02.02 Identify the number represented by a given dot arrangement on a five-frame. This outcome works on subitizing.  Subitizing  is the ability to recognize, at a glance, a quantity of objects, without one-to-one counting. I work on this every day with my students during our mental math work.   I have made dot combination plates on paper that I print out and laminate and I also use PowerPoint presentations.  My students respond in a few ways: with fingers, with number cards I have provided them and/or using a whiteboard to write the number down.  I start off with the low...

Scrambled Sight Word Puzzles

Yesterday I posted about my Mimio Sight Word Puzzles and mentioned I was working on a PowerPoint version.  Well, I have now finished the PowerPoint Version.  And here it is... See  for a more detailed explanation. You can find these puzzles in my TPT store at the following links: Pre-Primer Link: htt PowerPoint-Puzzles-2641291 ps:// Primer Link: Grade 1 Link: Grade 2 Link: Grade 3 Link:

Daily Sight Word Work with Mimio and PowerPoint

Last year I started using my Mimio Bar in my classroom all the time and it totally changed my teaching and the excitement in my students.  One of my favourite things I did last year and continued this year was my weekly sight word work in my morning meeting.  When my students come in first thing in the morning, their Morning Calendar duotang is on their desk and they have to colour in the day and weather.  Then they come down to the meeting area for our morning meeting.  My morning meeting consists of one student being allowed to sit on the bench and invite another student to be on the bench with them, 2 students share news with the class, we read the morning message I have written to the students, we do 2 poems weekly and weekly sight word work.   I introduce 4 new sight words per week and work on those words all week with different activities including this mimio activity.  Because the students have been sitting for a bit for the morning meeting, when w...