March Break
I am in awe of those who post every day on their teacher blogs. I'm on my March Break and today is the first day to actually post something on my blog in a really long time. I've been sick for most of my March Break which is not fun but at least I can rest when I need to. Before March Break, my students were working on combining numbers and we had gotten to combinations of 9 and I found they were struggling a bit. So I thought I would make a concentration game for them and they loved it and I really saw how they had to think about what card they needed to make nine. For example, if they turned over a 7, they had to stop first and think what card did they need to make 9 and they knew right away that if they turned anything but a 2 over, they did make a match. It was really neat to watch. I also had them make a booklet where I provided 2 different pictures - orange bears and pink robots and they had to make combinations of 9 with them. ...