
Showing posts with the label Subitizing

Roll Combinations (numbers 5-10) Game app

I am so excited for a few reasons!  Reason 1 - school year is done and it's summer vacation...I get to have a little breather/break.  Reason 2 - I have just finished creating my fourth Android app and can't wait to use it in my class next year! This app is based on a math activity I do with my students once we get to adding combinations of 5 in the classroom.  I created the following template for two players. Each player takes turns rolling the dice and if they get one of the combinations of 5, they get to cover that combination.  The first player to cover all the combinations wins.  I also make my students state what they have rolled out loud and add it up.  If they don't do that, they loose a turn.  The other player is very keen on getting that extra turn so they are really good at making sure their partner does say the combination rolled.   I have been toying with the idea of how I could make a math app that the kids can use on the t...

Dot Plate Memory Games App

Hi everyone, I am loving MIT App Inventor.  I have now created my third app and am excited to share the details with you. Dot Plate Memory Games i s an app that will help boost your students’ memory and practice subitizing at the same time. Memory games can help improve students’ concentration, boost brain functionality, train visual memory, increase short-term memory, help keep focus and increase attention.  Subitizing is being able to instantly recognize how many dots there are in a group.  Subitizing helps students form mental pictures of numbers and realize that a number can be represented in many ways. This is a perfect app for your students to “warm up” their brain before your math lessons or during math centres.  How it works: There are 9 games in total.   Games 1, 2, and 3 focus only on four numbers at one time (easy level).   Games 4 and 5 focus on six numbers at one time (medium level).   Games 6, 7, 8 and 9 focus on e...

Mental Math and Subitizing

One of the math outcomes I need to cover for my Primary students is: N02 Students will be expected to recognize, at a glance, and name the quantity represented by familiar arrangements of 1 to 5 objects or dots. Performance Indicators N02.01 Look briefly at a given familiar arrangement of 1 to 5 objects or dots and identify the number represented without counting. N02.02 Identify the number represented by a given dot arrangement on a five-frame. This outcome works on subitizing.  Subitizing  is the ability to recognize, at a glance, a quantity of objects, without one-to-one counting. I work on this every day with my students during our mental math work.   I have made dot combination plates on paper that I print out and laminate and I also use PowerPoint presentations.  My students respond in a few ways: with fingers, with number cards I have provided them and/or using a whiteboard to write the number down.  I start off with the low...

Ultimate Dot Paper Plate Collection

As I said in an earlier post, anyone who teaches grade Primary to Grade Three in Nova Scotia will be executing a new math curriculum.  And one of the big ideas is subitizing which is the ability to recognize at a glance a quantity of objects without counting.  Dot paper plates are always used but I find they take up so much space.  So I wanted to create something that didn't really take up that much space and that I could laminate (which I love doing) so it would last and be protected especially in a primary classroom.  This is just like my new five frame paper plate product but this product has various dot arrangements on a picture of a paper plate.   This product has various dot combinations of the numbers 1 – 5 on a picture of a paper plate which you can print on cardstock and laminate.  I like to print the dot paper plates on both sides of the cardstock to save paper and be more efficient.  I came up with...