Five Frame Comparison Plates
For the 2013-2014 school year, anyone who teaches grade Primary to Grade Three in Nova Scotia will be executing a new math curriculum. The Manitoba Education, the New Brunswick Department of Education and the Western and Northern Canadian Protocol (WNCP) for Collaboration in Education allowed the Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Education to adapt their mathematics curriculum to develop our new guide. So I am in the process of learning the new outcomes and developing new materials that will be useful in my classroom and with this new curriculum. One of the big ideas in the new curriculum is subitizing which is the ability to recognize at a glance a quantity of objects without counting (really not new but there will be more of an emphasis). Most use paper plates with the dot stickers on them but I wanted to try something different, would last longer and take up less space (because if your classroom is anything like mine there is a lot ...