
Showing posts with the label Addition

Concentration of Combinations of 5 up to 10

Hello again, My students play concentration combinations in the classroom.  I have them printed on different coloured paper.  For example, for combinations of 5, they pick a blue card then a yellow card to see if the combination makes 5.  If it does, they keep the combination, if it doesn’t they flip the cards back over in the same spot and then their partner goes.  When we went to online learning, I tried to recreate some of the activities my students know how to do.   I have the same cards my students use in the classroom but just had to put coverings over them – blue and yellow.   My students learned to pick a blue covering and move it to the side to reveal the cards underneath and then pick a yellow cards and move it to the side to reveal the card underneath.   If the bottom cards made a combination of 5, they would cut the blue and yellow covering.   If they did not make a combination of 5, they would move the blue and yellow cove...

Roll Combinations (numbers 5-10) Game app

I am so excited for a few reasons!  Reason 1 - school year is done and it's summer vacation...I get to have a little breather/break.  Reason 2 - I have just finished creating my fourth Android app and can't wait to use it in my class next year! This app is based on a math activity I do with my students once we get to adding combinations of 5 in the classroom.  I created the following template for two players. Each player takes turns rolling the dice and if they get one of the combinations of 5, they get to cover that combination.  The first player to cover all the combinations wins.  I also make my students state what they have rolled out loud and add it up.  If they don't do that, they loose a turn.  The other player is very keen on getting that extra turn so they are really good at making sure their partner does say the combination rolled.   I have been toying with the idea of how I could make a math app that the kids can use on the t...

Combining Numbers Flash Cards

My students love mental math especially when I have something new for them.  We are doing combinations of 9 right now for mental math we go over lots of different combinations.  I created these flash cards to get their little minds thinking of what's missing.  The picture below shows what one of the flash cards looks like.  The top half is shown to the students first with the bottom half folded behind and once the students give their answers as to what's in the hand that is closed, I unfold the flash card and show the students what is in the hand. The students can use their white board to show me their answer.  These flash cards have combinations from 1 to 10.   You can find this package in my TPT store at the following link: or my TeachersNotebook shop at the following link: ...

March Break

I am in awe of those who post every day on their teacher blogs.  I'm on my March Break and today is the first day to actually post something on my blog in a really long time.  I've been sick for most of my March Break which is not fun but at least I can rest when I need to.  Before March Break, my students were working on combining numbers and we had gotten to combinations of 9 and I found they were struggling a bit.  So I thought I would make a concentration game for them and they loved it and I really saw how they had to think about what card they needed to make nine.  For example, if they turned over a 7, they had to stop first and think what card did they need to make 9 and they knew right away that if they turned anything but a 2 over, they did make a match.  It was really neat to watch.  I also had them make a booklet where I provided 2 different pictures - orange bears and pink robots and they had to make combinations of 9 with them. ...

Addition Game with Dominoes

This was a fun activity the kids loved!!  All my students really loved learning how to add and I wanted to come up with a fun activity where they were adding and moving at the same time. A few years ago, I purchased a bunch of foam dominoes from Dollarama.  I put magnetic tape on some of them so I can use them on the board when I teach and the kids can use them during centers or free time.  The kids love using them so I thought they would be great for this addition activity.   Each student gets a foam dominoe and has to find another student.  They put their dominoes together and the student with the higher number goes first.  He/she will have to say the addition sentence and give the answer.  The other student will tell him/her if he/she is correct.   Then they would turn their dominoes to the other side and put those sides together.  Now it is the other student’s turn to say the addition sentence and the answer and the stu...

Addition and Subtraction Flip Books

I am always looking for activities to add to my math tubs/centers and I find flip books work really well. I have created nine flip books: 4 addition flip books, 4 subtraction flip books and 1 addition/subtraction flip book.  I have created books with both words and symbols.  The following describes each book: Flip Books Two-sided Counters Addition – Give the students 10 two-sided counters in a cup.  Have the students first predict how many yellow and how many red will appear once they spill the counters.  The kids always need to predict first.  Then have them shake the cup and spill the counters.  They colour in their results and write the addition sentence. Unifix Cubes Addition – Give the students 2 towers of six unifix cubes and one die.  Have the students roll the die once and colour that many unifix in the flip book (they can show on one of their towers too).  Then have them roll a second time and colour in that many unifix in the f...