Morning Calendar Work
Every teacher knows how busy it is first thing in the morning when the students just come in. You've got to collect notes, check their BEE binders or school pouches, collect money, deal with any behaviour issues that may come up, a parent wants to talk to you. I find having a routine that the kids know how to do works really well and gives me a little time to do everything I need to do. Routine: 1 - Before the students come in I hand out their Morning Calendar duotangs on each student's desk. 2 - I make sure I colour in the day on the calendar and theme picture so it's done before the kids come in the classroom. 3 - I use a B.E.E. binder system in my classroom (which I LOVE) so first thing in the morning the kids come in and open up to the red folder and wait for me to come and see if I have to collect anything from them. 4 - Then I get them to change their books (they take 2 books to take home every night) and put their B.E.E. binder on the B.E....