Ordinal Math Games
We finished ordinals in my class a few weeks ago and the kids loved playing these games. I paired up my students and they had to pick a game board and each pair received 2 dice - one die had ordinal numbers on the sides (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th) and the other die had colours on each side. I purchased blank dice through our school's book bureau that came with stickers so I was able to print the ordinals on some and colour in the stickers on the some of the other dice. Taking turns, each player rolled the dice and covered what they could. For example, if one pair had the game board below and Player 1 rolled a 2nd on one die and orange on the other, Player 1 would be able to cover their 2nd orange rabbit. The first player to cover all their rabbits wins. This game can take a little bit as the students start to realize that sometimes the ordinal comes up but not the colour they need and sometimes the colour comes up but not the ordinal they need. ...