Thanksgiving Day Math Game
Last year for Thanksgiving, I wanted a game that the kids could easily play and have fun. So I bought a big styrofoam ball and a bag of feathers from Dollarama and printed out a picture of a turkey. I taped the turkey on the front and stuck the feathers in. The students had to take turns rolling a die and take that amount of feathers out of the turkey. Once all the feathers were gone, the students had to count how many feathers they each had and the student with the most feathers won. Then the students placed the feathers back into the turkey and played again. So this year, I decided to take this idea one step further and created feathers (which I laminated) with numbers and pictures of either one die or two dice. And the game pretty much stays the same in that kids take turns rolling either one die or two dice and either take that amount of feathers or take the feather with that number/die/dice on it. I hot glue gunned Q-tip...