
Showing posts with the label Android App

Roll Combinations (numbers 5-10) Game app

I am so excited for a few reasons!  Reason 1 - school year is done and it's summer vacation...I get to have a little breather/break.  Reason 2 - I have just finished creating my fourth Android app and can't wait to use it in my class next year! This app is based on a math activity I do with my students once we get to adding combinations of 5 in the classroom.  I created the following template for two players. Each player takes turns rolling the dice and if they get one of the combinations of 5, they get to cover that combination.  The first player to cover all the combinations wins.  I also make my students state what they have rolled out loud and add it up.  If they don't do that, they loose a turn.  The other player is very keen on getting that extra turn so they are really good at making sure their partner does say the combination rolled.   I have been toying with the idea of how I could make a math app that the kids can use on the t...

Elkonin Boxes App

Hi everyone, I am really excited to say I have created a second app for Android.   Elkonin Boxes is an app that can be used to help students build phonological awareness by segmenting words into phonemes.  Elkonin boxes help students increase their reading skills by challenging students to segment words into their individual sounds and syllables.  This app is perfect for a small guided reading group or one-on-one instruction with students.  How it works: The teacher picks a Set and selects the “Picture” button to show the first image.  The teacher or the student can press the “Word” button to listen to the word that goes with the image.  If the student needs to hear the word more than once, the student can press the “Word” button again.  The student pushes the counters into the elkonin boxes as they repeat the word and say each phoneme in the word.  2-phonemes Set 1 This set contains 13 pictures that are segment...

Real or Nonsense Word? App

I was doing literacy centres with my students last week.  One of the centres had my students using letter tiles to make real and nonsense words.  The activity got me wishing that there was an app for this as I was running out letter tiles for each student.  Well, I decided to try and create one for my class.  And guess what, I did it!!  It is a fairly simple app which is what I wanted so it will be easy for me to use and my students to use. Below are screen shots of the app.   Title Page of the App - This will stay up for a few seconds then will automatically go to the HomePage Menu. HomePage Menu of the app HomePage Menu of the app - there are 7 centres/activities in total.                     Centre 1 - three letter words (cvc) Centre 1 - The teacher or student would touch the number 1 and a random letter will appear. Then the teacher or student would touch the number ...