
Showing posts with the label Planning

New additions to my Must Have Teacher forms

When I create something for me to use in the classroom, I usually end up revamping it after a year or so as there are always little things that either bothered me about it or just didn't work for me.  This past year was no different in that I am always trying to make my job a little more efficient with everyday teacher tasks/duties.  One thing I'm really trying to become more efficient with is my data collection and assessment binders with the notes/data I collect on my students and for it to be easy to use.  So I made a few new forms/recording sheets this year that I used in the classroom and have now made some minor adjustments to those and have added them to my MUST Have Teacher Forms in my TPT store. Here are a few things I have added: For my reading and writing workshop, I created simple blank calendars to write my student's names who I needed to see which allowed me to keep track on who I saw.  I also made some new covers with some new backgrounds which is ...

Planning Calendars

UPDATE on Calendars: I noticed when I tried to download the calendars for someone else that some of the dates turned into a lot of numbers.  Not sure what is happening so I have added all the calendars in PDF which you can find below. Well, I have been in my new school all week setting up my classroom (pictures to come) but I thought I would share my blank planning calendar for teachers that are in the HRSB that I make every year to help with my planning.   I have a few different planning calendars you can choose from: Planning Calendar with  Bus Cluster 1 PD Planning Calendar with  Bus Cluster 2 PD Planning Calendar with  Bus Cluster 3 PD Planning Calendar with 2nd year Mount Education Student Teacher dates Calendars in PDF Planning Calendar with Bus Cluster 1 PD Planning Calendar with Bus Cluster 2 PD Planning Calendar with Bus Cluster 3 PD Planning Calendar with 2nd year Mount Education Student Teacher Dates I look forward to posting ...

MUST Have Teacher Forms Updated

As I have mentioned before, I am on a quest to find the perfect system in my classroom and maybe I will find it the year I retire.  But what I do find helpful are my forms that are in my MUST Have Teacher Forms package and I am always trying to add to it and make it one of the most useful tool I have.  So I have been working on new additions to the package and to make it more friendly when you open the zipped file.  I divided files into folders so things hopefully will be easier for you to find (and ME!!).  Here are some new additions to the package: - Behaviour Management Form Examples - Behaviour CD labels (able to edit) *new - Behaviour Check in (able to edit) *new - Behaviour Check in for desks(able to edit) *new - Behaviour Tracking Weekly Example 2 (able to edit) *new - Behaviour Check in for desks 2*new - My Week (able to edit) *new - Student Behaviour Management (able to edit) *new - Student Behaviour (able to edit) *new - Student My Job ...

Must Have Teacher Forms - Beginning of the Year

I can't believe it's August and I don't really want to say this or think this but school is just around the corner.  So I'm trying to get a list together of what I need to get done when I go in to set up my classroom up and my classroom forms are on the top of the list to get organized.  I have my excel spreadsheets ready so when I get my class list I can just type the students names in.  The class forms I keep on the spreadsheet are as follows: - Supply Money Collected - Where Do Students Go - Forms Passed in - Hot Lunch Order - 100th day trail mix tracker (this is for the 100th day and I keep track of what student is bringing in what treat) - Special Spot (I have a bench in my classroom that a student gets to sit on each day and invite a friend...I use this form to keep track of the date each student sits on the bench.  I print this form out and and print in the dates.) - Reading Levels - Sharing News (I get 2 students to share news everyday and this form h...