
Showing posts with the label Must Have Teacher Forms Revised

New additions to my Must Have Teacher forms

When I create something for me to use in the classroom, I usually end up revamping it after a year or so as there are always little things that either bothered me about it or just didn't work for me.  This past year was no different in that I am always trying to make my job a little more efficient with everyday teacher tasks/duties.  One thing I'm really trying to become more efficient with is my data collection and assessment binders with the notes/data I collect on my students and for it to be easy to use.  So I made a few new forms/recording sheets this year that I used in the classroom and have now made some minor adjustments to those and have added them to my MUST Have Teacher Forms in my TPT store. Here are a few things I have added: For my reading and writing workshop, I created simple blank calendars to write my student's names who I needed to see which allowed me to keep track on who I saw.  I also made some new covers with some new backgrounds which is ...

What exactly is in my Must Have Teachers Form package?

I am so happy that the teachers who have purchased my Must Have Teachers Forms (TPT:  OR TeachersNotebook: ) have given me such positive feedback and comments.  I recently received another positive comment and great suggestion.  The package is jammed packed and it exactly 100MB AND it is zipped so I cannot fit anything else in for TPT. I recently updated the package and put many of the files in folders within the package.  One feedback from the new format is that it is a little difficult to navigate all the folders having to open and close each one.  Because I cannot fit anymore into the package, I thought I would make a document that those of you who have purchased this package can download it for future reference.  Here are pictures of the what's in the package: ...

MUST Have Teacher Forms Updated

As I have mentioned before, I am on a quest to find the perfect system in my classroom and maybe I will find it the year I retire.  But what I do find helpful are my forms that are in my MUST Have Teacher Forms package and I am always trying to add to it and make it one of the most useful tool I have.  So I have been working on new additions to the package and to make it more friendly when you open the zipped file.  I divided files into folders so things hopefully will be easier for you to find (and ME!!).  Here are some new additions to the package: - Behaviour Management Form Examples - Behaviour CD labels (able to edit) *new - Behaviour Check in (able to edit) *new - Behaviour Check in for desks(able to edit) *new - Behaviour Tracking Weekly Example 2 (able to edit) *new - Behaviour Check in for desks 2*new - My Week (able to edit) *new - Student Behaviour Management (able to edit) *new - Student Behaviour (able to edit) *new - Student My Job ...

Must Have Teacher Forms REVISED 2013

I have added more to my Must Have Teacher Forms.  My hope is that I can help make your life a little easier in the classroom with some of these things.  I have added some of my letters I send home which can be a starting point for you.  All the letters I send home are in Word so you can edit them.  My favourite addition are my labels especially for Halloween and Valentines.  I print those labels out on full page labels, cut them and stick them on brown paper bags.  I send those bags home and the parents fill them up with treats for their child.  I have also included different behaviour tracking sheets I have used in the past which you can edit.  The fire drill recording sheet is one I cut up and keep in my emergency folder.  When the fire alarm goes off for a drill, I take my emergency folder out, count my kids, fill in the little form and get one of my students to run to the principal and hand her the form.  This way my principal knows ...