
Showing posts with the label Liebster Award

Liebster Award

Renee at Fantastic First Grade Froggies  has nominated me for the Liebster award.  Thank you so much!  It made my day as I geared up to go back to school.  This award is given to new bloggers with 200 followers or less.    And the rules are: 1. Post 11 random things about yourself. 2. Answer the questions the nominator set for you. 3. Create 11 questions for your nominees. 4. choose 11 other blogs with fewer than 200 followers to nominate and link them to your post. 5. No tag backs, but please leave a comment on this post if you were nominated so I can learn more about you and see who you nominate. 11 Random things about me... 1.  I still love watching old Scooby Doo shows 2.  I teach Zumba to the kids at lunch 3.  I love playing all sports especially soccer and volleyball 4.  I recently took up hula hooping again and AM totally in love with it!!! 5.  I recently got a pair of roller skates and AM ...