Plant Journal Revisted with a New Addition Bean Greenhouse Activity


I cannot believe I uploaded my plant journal in 2012!!!  I have been using this plant journal with my students for 12 years!!! My students still get excited when they get their journal and investigate their plant growth.  

For the past two years I have started the Bean Greenhouses where my students put a few beans in wet cotton balls, place them in a ziploc and we put them on the window and watch them grow.  This year I have created a quick journal for my students to observe their observations.  I always give 3 beans to each student because the ziploc is rather small for any more.  This year my students will be able to get their Bean Greenhouse journal, put down what day it is of growing and then colour in what stage they see their beans. They can also colour in the weather - sunny, partly sunny or cloudy.  

Every year I do a living things unit and plant a radish seed with my students.  However, I have never felt the kids have had a great plant journal to keep all their notes. I decided to create this plant journal to help guide them along in the planting process.  I have created ½ booklets you can print or full booklets with primary lines and grade 1 and grade 2 lines.  For the half booklets, I printed all the sheets I wanted and then photocopied them and bound each one.  Then I used the paper cutter at school to cut them in half and voila, you have 2 booklets.  The students can take these booklets home with their plants when done.  You can decide how many observation sheets you will need for each booklet depending on how long you will be keeping the plants in the classroom for the students to observe.  

This product also includes:
  • 5 different covers to choose from for the front of the journal (both ½ page and full page). 
  • This is a list of materials we will need
  • This is a picture of my seed
  • I can describe my seed (5 senses)
  • I think my plant will look like this
  • My plant needs the following to grow
  • Day 1: Planting the Seed (These are the steps I took to plant my seed) (all steps on one page)
  • Day 1: Planting the Seed (These are the steps I took to plant my seed & this is what it looked like) (each step on a different page)
  • There are 2 different kinds of the following pages: one to use when the plant is just coming up out of the dirt and one when the plant really starts to grow:
  • Day ____ Observation (print off as many as you need)  The following is recorded on each page:
o   I can see growth in my plant
o   I see…
o   Picture of my plant (when it just starts to grow)
o   Weather that day
o   I watered my plant today
o   Date

  • My plant all grown up
  • I know the parts of the plant with labels
  • I know the parts of the plant without labels
  • What I learned about plants
  • Blank pot if needed

The full page booklet has the same headers but some are on the same page.  For any of the pages that have the kids putting any measurement down, I have cm and inches on different pages.  I have also included the booklets with Primary lines and Grade 1 & 2 lines.  I hope your students enjoy getting their plant journals out. 


Bean Greenhouse Activity - students put soaked beans in cotton balls in a zip loc bag and hang it up in the window.

I have included:

- Cover for 1/2 page journal

- 1/2 page journal with recording sheets for either 1 bean, 2 beans or 3 beans

- Greenhouse design to go over the zip loc

You can find this in my TPT store at the following link:


Kemble :-)


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