
Showing posts from September, 2013

3rd full week back and end of September!!!

I wanted to post last Friday but I was so tired.  Last Friday, I went home to eat supper and then went back to school and came home around 9 pm or so.  Then the weekend just flew by as I was getting centers ready and then Monday came and now it's Saturday.  But I said I wanted to post what my desk looked like by each Friday so here goes.  Here is what my desk and behind my desk looked like by 2:45pm Friday, September 20. When I left around 9pm, this is what my desk and behind my desk looked like: That night, I decided to start to organizing some of my math materials so that it would be ready right away for the students to use in the lessons.  This is what my table looked like: Some of the lessons require me having bags of counters that have 5 to 10 counters in each bag for EACH student.  So I decided to start to make those bags so I could have them on hand.   I just need to make bags with 9 and 10 counters in them. ...

Center Activities for French Immersion October Calendar Words

I've finished creating the center activities for the French Immersion October Claendar Words.  Here is a refresher of what's in the package: There are 2 center activities for that can be used in conjunction with the monthly calendar words that are used in my J’ai Qui a activities ( ) Activity 1 - déchiffrer le mot - Posters with sight words on them with fun border - 5 different recording sheets you can choose from - Sheets with the monthly calendar words that students use for reference at the centers (you can double-side and laminate these) (one with pictures & one without pictures) - Sheets with the monthly calendar words that are scrambled (these can be cut and laminated…I have created 3 different types – one with numbers on them, one with numbers and pictures to help the students out and one without numbers.  The one without numbers you would be able t...

1st Full Week Back

Well the first full week of school is over and even though Friday was day 8, it felt like day 58 for my legs!!   The first day of school went great!!  A few days before the first day I was looking at other teacher blogs to see what they had done and came across the idea of putting play doh on the student's tables.  I always have something for the students to colour on their desk but I knew I needed something more because parents come in with the students to drop off their supplies and the little ones need something to do while I am putting the bags of supplies in the back and talking with parents about after school procedures.  So I put little plates on each student's desk with a ziplock bag and I put 4 different colours of the Crayola Model Magic which is THE BEST!!!  It doesn't cling to their hands or tables.  Well, it worked!!  As soon as my new students came in, they got straight to work with the Crayola Model Magic.  It was amazing!  I...

Stand Up Against Bullying Day Thursday, September 12, 2013

UPDATE: It was a sea of pink in the assembly!!  Click on the below links to see pictures of Travis speaking at our school. I made stickers for my students to wear and they loved my shirt.  It was a great day! Enjoy! Kemble :-) The Premier of Nova Scotia has proclaimed the second Thursday of September as Stand Up Against Bullying Day in all public schools across Nova Scotia.  Stand Up Against Bullying Day encourages all schools to focus on healthy relationships and building stronger communities, while continuing to build respect, communication and healthy conflict resolution skills, while reducing (and one would hope eliminating) incidents of bullying and cyberbulling.   My school, Grosvenor Wentworth Park School is planning a very special assembly with a very special guest...Travis Price.  If you don't know who...