Liebster Award
Renee at Fantastic First Grade Froggies has nominated me for the Liebster award. Thank you so much! It made my day as I geared up to go back to school. This award is given to new bloggers with 200 followers or less.
And the rules are:
1. Post 11 random things about yourself.
2. Answer the questions the nominator set for you.
3. Create 11 questions for your nominees.
4. choose 11 other blogs with fewer than 200 followers to nominate and link them to your post.
5. No tag backs, but please leave a comment on this post if you were nominated so I can learn more about you and see who you nominate.
11 Random things about me...
1. I still love watching old Scooby Doo shows
2. I teach Zumba to the kids at lunch
3. I love playing all sports especially soccer and volleyball
4. I recently took up hula hooping again and AM totally in love with it!!!
5. I recently got a pair of roller skates and AM totally in love with it too!!!
6. I love reading on my Kindle
7. I love using my new Samsung Note 10.1 is so much fun!
8. I love listening to music
9. I was on the Canadian CBC show Switchback when I was young!
10. I love going to the movies.
11. I love youtube DIY videos!
Here are the questions Renee has for me:
1. What is your favourite type of food?
*I would say pizza and ice cream would tie for being my favourite type of food.
2. What is the last movie you saw? Did you like it?
*I just Les Misérables. I saw the London Show in Grade 12 when we had a stop over in London on our way to The Gambia (1990 Grade 12 school trip to bring toys and school supplies over to The Gambia) and just fell in love with the show. The movie was amazing!! Hugh Jackman was unbelievable!! So, YES, I loved it!!
3. Do you have any pets?
*I have a Havenese dog named Ceba. Here is a picture of him with his little toy Lambchop!!
4. Are you a glass half empty or half full type of person?
*I would like to think of myself as a half full type of may have to ask my friends though.
5. Salty or sweet?
*I know this sounds a little weird but I have to be in the mood...sometimes I crave salty and sometimes I crave sweet.
6. What is your favourite book?
*My favourite book would be To Kill A Mockingbird
7. What is your favourite time of day?
*In summer my favourite time of day would be around 5:30...just when it is starting to cool down.
In winter I guess my favourite time of day would be around noon when it is starting to warm up!!!
8. If you could travel anywhere, where would it be and why?
*I would travel to South Africa. I loved visiting The Gambia when I was in Grade 12 and I would love to go back see other parts of Africa.
9. Chocolate or Vanilla?
10. Coffee, tea, or neither?
11. What is your greatest accomplishment?
*Might be my students!! Especially the students who come back and tell me how I either inspired or helped them! It is the greatest feeling.
I am nominating the following blogs:
2. Teacher Talk
8. EduGeeks
9. Teaching FSL
My questions to the nominees:
1. What book would you recommend reading?
2. What song makes you smile?
3. The Beatles or the Rolling Stones?
4. What is your favourite movie?
5. Do you have any pets?
6. What has been the most amazing thing you have seen?
7. What is your favourite season? Why?
8. What is your favourite saying/quote?
9. What is your favourite word in the english language?
10. What is your favourite TV show?
11. If I came to visit, what restaurant would your recommend in your city?
Please link me back when you post! I would love to read everyone's answers.
Kemble :-)
Man that award nomination was a lot of work! I finally did it though...
I know but thank you so much for doing it!! Thanks for the book recommendation too!