Setting up my classroom - part 2

I have two chalkboards in my classroom.  The teacher before me had put up tape that had left tape marks so last year I covered one of the boards with the white laminate to use for my word wall.  This year I covered the other chalkboard where I put up my weather graph and calendar work pictures for my students.

So on this board I put up a calendar with a pattern on it.  I have apples for the month of September.  The apples create an A, B, C pattern.  

I put the same morning calendar sheets up that my students have in their morning calendar work duotang.  I enlarge them on the photocopier (129%) and I always have the pattern done before the students come in so they can check their work.  

I will post more pictures next week when I actually have the colour in each picture.  The first few days, I do the calendar with the students so I don't have the patterns in yet.  


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