Center Activities for French Immersion Monthly Calendar Words

I have finished the December Center Activities for the French Immersion December Monthly Calendar words. 

Here are 2 center activities for that can be used in conjunction with the monthly calendar words that are used in my J’ai Qui a activities ( or

Activity 1 - déchiffrer le mot
- Posters with sight words on them with fun border
- 5 different recording sheets you can choose from
- Sheets with the monthly calendar words that students use for reference at the centers (you can double-side and laminate these) (one with pictures & one without pictures)
- Sheets with the monthly calendar words that are scrambled (these can be cut and laminated…I have created 3 different types – one with numbers on them, one with numbers and pictures to help the students out and one without numbers.  The one without numbers you would be able to number yourself depending on how many words you want to use in the center.).

Activity 2 - La boîte magique
- A recording sheet with either 5 or 4 of the monthly calendar words with blank spaces underneath each word
- A recording sheet with 2 of the monthly calendar words with 4 blank spaces underneath each word
*I have made both recording sheets with little pictures to help the students recognize the words or without pictures.
Words included in this package:
des bottes
des mitaines
un chapeau
la neige
un bohomme de neige
une bougie
un sapin
un foyer
des lumières
une étoile
un manteaux
un renne
des biscuits
une couronne
une boucle
une cloche
un ange
un cadeau
une cheminée
un bas
un traineau
une boule
les cache-oreilles
les patins
un foulard
une canne
une carte
un menorah
feu d’artifice

You can find this package in my TPT store at the following link:
my TeachersNotebook shop at the following link:


Kemble :-)


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