
My Classroom in the News

The Minister of Education in Nova Scotia made an announcement today about class sizes staying at a cap of 25.  She made the announcement in my classroom because I was a class of 29 and then we got an additional teacher and were able to make 2 primary classes of smaller sizes which was so beneficial to the students.  My students did an awesome job today!!!  Here is a link to the clip if you wish to view it. Enjoy! Kemble :-)

Literacy Center Activities

I love this time of year in my class because I really start to see things click with my students such as reading longer and writing more and stretching out their words to hear all the sounds.  It is very exciting!!!  And to see pride on their faces makes me smile.  It's just awesome!!  So I have been working on some new literacy centers that will hopefully keep my students growing and excelling.   Center 1: I know Lots of Things That Begin with the Letter… booklet I created this booklet for the kids to think of objects that begin with a certain letter in the alphabet and then draw that object and try to print the word.  Each week could be a different letter.  I have created 2 booklets for the kids.  The first booklet is one page but double-sided which the kids have to think of 9 objects that start with that letter.  The second booklet can be for later on in the year and the kids have to think of 21 objects that begin with that le...

Must Have Teacher Forms REVISED 2013

I have added more to my Must Have Teacher Forms.  My hope is that I can help make your life a little easier in the classroom with some of these things.  I have added some of my letters I send home which can be a starting point for you.  All the letters I send home are in Word so you can edit them.  My favourite addition are my labels especially for Halloween and Valentines.  I print those labels out on full page labels, cut them and stick them on brown paper bags.  I send those bags home and the parents fill them up with treats for their child.  I have also included different behaviour tracking sheets I have used in the past which you can edit.  The fire drill recording sheet is one I cut up and keep in my emergency folder.  When the fire alarm goes off for a drill, I take my emergency folder out, count my kids, fill in the little form and get one of my students to run to the principal and hand her the form.  This way my principal knows ...

Liebster Award

Renee at Fantastic First Grade Froggies  has nominated me for the Liebster award.  Thank you so much!  It made my day as I geared up to go back to school.  This award is given to new bloggers with 200 followers or less.    And the rules are: 1. Post 11 random things about yourself. 2. Answer the questions the nominator set for you. 3. Create 11 questions for your nominees. 4. choose 11 other blogs with fewer than 200 followers to nominate and link them to your post. 5. No tag backs, but please leave a comment on this post if you were nominated so I can learn more about you and see who you nominate. 11 Random things about me... 1.  I still love watching old Scooby Doo shows 2.  I teach Zumba to the kids at lunch 3.  I love playing all sports especially soccer and volleyball 4.  I recently took up hula hooping again and AM totally in love with it!!! 5.  I recently got a pair of roller skates and AM ...

Helping out my French Immersion teachers

I have mentioned that I teach at a dual track school which means there is English and French Immersion classes from Primary to Grade 6.  As you can tell I love creating different printables for the classroom that I can use every year.  I love the 2 primary french immersion teachers who teach with me and I love sharing because as teachers we should be sharing ideas and materials/resources.  Every time I show them something, they always say "I wish we had that in French."  So, my goal is that wherever possible with anything I make, I will translate it into french so they can use it.   So here is a French Immersion J’ai et Qui a with shapes and colours all in french.  I have created 4 sets of cards for your students’ fun!  The first deck has a mix of circles, triangles, squares and rectangles with different colours for each shape.  The second deck has a mix of circles, triangles, squares, rectangles and hexagons with different colours for each sh...

Making Word Fans

My students love using the geometry fans and number sense fans I have made for math so I have now made making word fans for our literacy centers.  This resource has been developed as a teaching tool and resource you and your students can use together or separately. These fans would be a great way to help your students with making words. You can use these fans in whole group lessons, guided lessons or in literacy centers.  These fans can also be a great assessment tool for the teacher to quickly assess each student’s knowledge of word building. I have made the following fans: -          Vowels -          Consonants -          Word Family Endings -          Digraphs -          Blends -          Var...

Busy over Christmas Break - Sight Words

I know Christmas break should be all about relaxing but I think any teacher starts to think about the new year and what other activities you will be doing with your students.  My students are really growing in their reading and word recognition so I decided to make a few sight word activities.   The first one is connect 4 boards .  I took the dolch lists from Kindergarten to Grade 2 and mixed up the words for each game board.  I have tried to teach the kids with my connect 4 boards to take your turns quickly as you say the word quickly so it helps with fluency too.  I double side my boards and laminate.  The second activity is sight word flip booklets.  The idea is like connect 4 but instead the students roll a die, find that number, say the word and colour in that spot.  The first student to colour their whole card, wins.  I created sheets that have the same words on each grid and sheets that have grids with different words....