Teacher Week 2013 Classroom Management

Hi everyone, 

I have to say, I'm really enjoying this Teacher Week 2013. It's my first time participating in something like this.  Now on to classroom management.

All schools in the Halifax Regional School Board uses Positive Effective Behaviour Supports (PEBS).  This is a school-wide system of support that includes proactive strategies for defining, teaching and supporting appropriate student behaviours.  It looks at what our students can do and are doing rather than what they shouldn't do and how we as adults interact with them.  Each student receives a PEBS matrix (a gird) to take home and review with their parents and a PEBS matrix is up in every classroom and teachers routinely refer to the PEBS matrix.

We also use Gems with the whole school.  Gems are awarded to students who demonstrate positive behaviours as outlined in the PEBS matrix.  Each class has their own jar into which students deposit gems as they receive them.  Each class decides on a class goal that they will work towards.  Every month we have a Gems Assembly and when a class has filled their Gem jar, they bring the jar down and pour it into a large whole school container.  When the school container is filled, the whole school receives an agreed upon reward.  

On top of PEBS matrix, I have use a combination of Marvin Marshall's Raise Responsibility System and Whole Brain Teaching.  Marvin Marshall’s Raise Responsibility System was designed in order to promote responsible behavior within the school community. This simple system focuses on promoting the internalization of responsibility rather than on only promoting external obedience. The foundation of this system is the Hierarchy of Social Development, which supports students in learning how to make responsible choices.

I like his levels of social development and getting the kids to be able to check in on themsevles.  Here are the posters I have up on the front board:

I put the happy and sad faces to try to get the kids to understand how someone could be feeling when their behaviour is at a certain level.  For example, when I explain the Level A - Acting Out, I tell the students that when they are noisy or out of control or being unsafe, especially when someone doesn't want you to be or towards someone else, that person may not be crying on the outside but they may be feeling that sad on the inside.  By the end of the first day in school, the kids can tell me what level of behaviour they are on and they tell their parents too and they are really proud to be at level D doing the right thing.  So I try to incorporate this with the Whole Brain Teaching.  


Kemble :-)


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